
Thank you for wanting to bring your part to the pyRDF2Vec development. It’s always heartwarming to see other people putting their stone in the building of something much bigger.

This document is created to facilitate your contributions by sharing the necessary knowledge and expectations. Feel free to open a pull request if you have implemented half a feature and/or an issue if you are stuck. We will be happy to help you and thank you for your work!

The project being new, there are many opportunities for contributions:

  1. Add a new embedding technique: offer a new possibility to have potentially better results when training a corpus of walks.

  2. Add a new walking strategy: offer a new possibility to extract walks in a Knowledge Graph.

  3. Add a new sampling strategy: offer a new possibility of assigning weights to links in a Knowledge Graph.

  4. Add a new connector: offer a new possibility to extend the use of pyRDF2Vec to other syntax and file formats in RDF.

  5. Improve the online documentation: correcting spelling mistakes and using better sentence structures may help to better understand the use of pyRDF2Vec.

  6. Submit your bugs and suggestions: reproduce the bug you encountered with pyRDF2Vec and/or suggest your ideas for the development of pyRDF2Vec, would help us to improve this library.

  7. Improve the code: whether by refactoring or optimizing the complexity of certain functions, if an implementation seems not adequate to you, do not hesitate to modify it by opening a pull request, or to inform us by opening an issue.

Each of the following sub-sections will give you more information on the opportunities listed below.

Getting Started

Before reading the sub-section that interests you in detail, here are some golden rules that you should know before you contribute to pyRDF2Vec:

  • No contribution is too small: submit as many fixes for typos and grammar bloopers as you can.

  • Whenever possible, limit each pull request to one change only.

  • Add tests and docs for your code: who better than you to explain and test that the code you have implemented works?

  • Make sure your changes pass our CI: during each commit several checks to verify the style of the code, the unit tests and the documentation are done though tox to avoid unpleasant surprises.

  • Attach a short note to the pull request: it would help us to better understand what you did.

  • It’s up to you how you handle updates to the master branch: since we squash on merge, whether you prefer to rebase on master or merge master into your branch, do whatever is more comfortable for you.


If your change is noteworthy, there needs to be a changelog entry so our users can learn about it!

To avoid merge conflicts, we use the towncrier package to manage our changelog. towncrier uses independent files (called news fragments) for each pull request. On release, those news fragments are compiled into our CHANGELOG.rst file.

Each file should be named like <ISSUE>.<TYPE>.rst, where <ISSUE> is an issue number, and <TYPE> is one of:

  • bugfix: fixes a bug;

  • doc: documentation improvement, like rewording an entire session or adding missing docs;

  • feature: new user facing features, like a new walking strategy.

So for example: 123.bugfix.rst, 456.feature.rst.

Two scenarios exist for your pull request:

  1. if it fixes an issue, use the issue number in the file name;

  2. otherwise, use the pull request number.

If you are not sure what issue type to use, don’t hesitate to ask in your pull request.

towncrier preserves multiple paragraphs and formatting (e.g., code blocks, lists), but for entries other than feature it is usually better to stick to a single paragraph to keep it concise.

If you would like to get a preview of how your change will look in the final release notes, you can display the news fragments of the CHANGELOG file:

tox -e changelog

From then on, you don’t need to install towncrier yourself, you just have to abide by a few simple rules:

  • Wrap symbols like modules, functions, or classes into double backticks so they are rendered in a monospace font.

  • Wrap arguments into asterisks like in docstrings: these or attributes.

  • If you mention functions or other callables, add parentheses at the end of their names: foo.func() or Foo.method(). This makes the changelog a lot more readable.

  • Prefer simple past tense or constructions with “now”.

  • If you would like to reference multiple issues, copy the news fragment to another filename. towncrier will merge all news fragments with identical contents into one entry with multiple links to the respective pull requests.

Example entries:

Added ``wallkers.Foo``.
This walker is a new walker.


``fit_transform()`` now can deal with bigger Knowledge Graph Embeddings (KGE).


We try as much as possible to follow Python conventions through the PEP specifications. Don’t be afraid of the list of conventions below. Indeed, tox and/or the CI will alert you and/or format your code for you if needed.

Here are the conventions established for pyRDF2Vec:

  • black: as code style, with a max line length of 79 characters (according to PEP 8);

  • isort: to sort the imports;

  • mypy: as a optional static typing for Python (according to PEP 484);

  • doc8: as style checker for the documentation, with a max line length of 100 characters.

These checks are done by tox using pre-commit.

Install the Dependencies

Before contributing, it is important that you can install the pyRDF2Vec dependencies in your environment. Whether you are using a Notebook or directly your text editor, here is the preferred method:

  1. Install `poetry <>`__:

pip install poetry

With poetry installed, you can now install the dependencies related to pyRDF2Vec in a virtual environment:

poetry install

Now all you have to do is spawn a terminal to your virtual environment:

poetry shell

Add a New Embedding Technique

Adding a new embedding technique offers the possibility to have potentially better results for some uses-cases when training a corpus of walks.

To achieve this, there are 5 points there are 5 points to follow:

  1. Create your embedder (e.g., Foo) in pyrdf2vec/embedders.

  2. Import your embedder in the pyrdf2vec/embedders/ file and in the __all__ list:

from .embedder import Embedder
from .foo import FooEmbedder
from .word2vec import Word2Vec

__all__ = [
  1. Extend the Embedder class in your embedder’s class and implement at least the fit and transform functions:

from typing import List

import attr

from pyrdf2vec.embedders import Embedder
from pyrdf2vec.typings import Embeddings, Entities

class Foo(Embedder):
    """Defines Foo embedding technique."""

    def fit(self,  walks: List[List[SWalk]], is_updated: bool = False) -> Embedder:
        """Fits the model based on provided walks.

            walks: The walks to create the corpus to to fit the model.
            is_update: True if the new walks should be added to old model's
                walks, False otherwise.
                Defaults to False.

            The fitted Foo model.

        # TODO: to be implemented

    def transform(self, entities: Entities) -> Embeddings:
        """The features vector of the provided entities.

            entities: The entities including test entities to create the
            embeddings. Since RDF2Vec is unsupervised, there is no label

            The features vector of the provided entities.

        # TODO: to be implemented
  1. Create unit tests of your embedding technique:

Create a tests/embedders/ file and see how the tests are done for Word2Vec as an example.

Once this is done, run your tests:

pytest tests/samplers/
  1. Check that the code style and the documentation are still correct:

tox -e lint,docs

Everything ok? Make a pull request!

Add a New Walking Strategy

Adding a new walking strategy allows to perform on a new possibility to extract walks for a given Knowledge Graph.

To add your own walking strategy, the steps are almost similar to those for adding an embedding technique:

  1. Create your walker (e.g., FooWalker) in pyrdf2vec/walkers.

  2. Import your walker in the pyrdf2vec/walkers/ file and in the __all__ list:

from .walker import Walker

# ...
from .foo import FooWalker
# ...
from .walklet import WalkletWalker
from .weisfeiler_lehman import WLWalker

__all__ = [
    # ...
    # ...
  1. Extend the Walker class in your walker’s class and implement at least the _extract function:

from hashlib import md5
from typing import List, Set

import attr

from pyrdf2vec.graphs import KG, Vertex
from pyrdf2vec.typings import EntityWalks, SWalk, Walk
from pyrdf2vec.walkers import Walker

class FooWalker(Walker):
    """Defines the foo walking strategy.

        depth: The maximum depth of one walk.
        max_walks: The maximum number of walks per entity.
        sampler: The sampling strategy.
            Defaults to pyrdf2vec.samplers.UniformSampler().
        n_jobs: The number of process to use for multiprocessing.
            Defaults to 1.
        with_reverse: extracts children's and parents' walks from the root,
            creating (max_walks * max_walks) more walks of 2 * depth.
            Defaults to False.
        random_state: The random state to use to ensure random determinism to
            generate the same walks for entities.
            Defaults to None.


    def _extract(self, kg: KG, instance: Vertex) -> EntityWalks:
        """Extracts walks rooted at the provided entities which are then
        each transformed into a numerical representation.

            kg: The Knowledge Graph.
            instance: The instance to be extracted from the Knowledge Graph.

            The 2D matrix with its number of rows equal to the number of
            provided entities; number of column equal to the embedding size.

        canonical_walks: Set[SWalk] = set()
        # TODO: to be implemented
        return { list(canonical_walks)}
  1. Create unit tests of your walking strategy:

Create a tests/walkers/ file and see how the tests are done for RandomWalker as an example.

Once this is done, run your tests:

pytest tests/walkers/
  1. Check that the code style and the documentation are still correct:

tox -e lint,docs

Everything ok? Make a pull request!

Add a New Sampling Strategy

Adding a new sampling strategy performs a new way of assigning weights to links in a Knowledge Graph.

To add your own sampling strategy, the steps are almost similar to those for adding a walking strategy and a embedding technique:

  1. Create your sampler (e.g., FooSampler) in pyrdf2vec/samplers.

  2. Import your sampler in the pyrdf2vec/samplers/ file and in the __all__ list:

from .sampler import Sampler

# ...
from .foo import FooSampler
# ...
from .uniform import UniformSampler

__all__ = [
    # ...
    # ...
  1. Extend the Sampler class in your sampler’s class and implement at least the fit and get_weight functions:

import attr

from pyrdf2vec.graph import KG
from pyrdf2vec.samplers import Sampler
from pyrdf2vec.typings import Hop

class FooSampler(Sampler):
    """Defines the Foo sampling strategy."""

    def fit(self, kg: KG) -> None:
        """Since the weights are uniform, this function does nothing.

            kg: The Knowledge Graph.

        # TODO: to be implemented

    def get_weight(self, hop: Hop) -> int:
        """Gets the weight of a hop in the Knowledge Graph.

            hop: The hop (pred, obj) to get the weight.

            The weight for a given hop.

        # TODO: to be implemented
  1. Create unit tests of your sampling technique:

Create a tests/samplers/ file and see how the tests are done for UniformSampler as an example.

Once this is done, run your tests:

pytest tests/samplers/
  1. Check that the code style and the documentation are still correct:

tox -e lint,docs

Everything ok? Make a pull request!

Add a New Connector

Add a new connector to extend the use of pyRDF2Vec to other syntax and file formats in RDF (e.g., Turtle syntax)

To add your own connector, the steps are almost similar to those previously illustrated:

  1. Create your connector (e.g., FooConnector) in pyrdf2vec/connectors.

  2. Import your connector in the pyrdf2vec/connector/ file.

  3. Extend the Connector class in your connector’s class and implement at least the fetch function:

import attr
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from requests.packages.urllib3.util import Retry

from pyrdf2vec.connectors import Connector

class FooConnector(Connector):
    """Represents a Foo connector."""

    def __attrs_post_init__(self):
        adapter = HTTPAdapter(
                status_forcelist=[429, 500, 502, 503, 504],
                method_whitelist=["HEAD", "GET", "OPTIONS"],
        self._session.mount("http", adapter)
        self._session.mount("https", adapter)

    def fetch(self, query: str) -> None:
        """Fetchs the result of a query.

               query: The query to fetch the result.

               The generated dictionary from the ['results']['bindings']

        # TODO: to be implemented
  1. Create unit tests of your connector:

Create a tests/connectors/ file and see how the tests are done for SPARQLConnector as an example.

Once this is done, run your tests:

pytest tests/connectors/
  1. Check that the code style and the documentation are still correct:

tox -e lint,docs

Everything ok? Make a pull request!

Improve the Online Documentation

The online documentation of pyRDF2Vec is hosted on Read the Docs. To generate this online documentation, we use:

  • Sphinx as a Python documentation generator ;

  • Google Style docstrings: as a docstring writing convention.

  • mypy: as a optional static typing for Python.

To update the documentation, 4 steps are essential:

  1. Modify what needed to be modified in the documentation: available in the docs folder.

  2. Generate this documentation locally:

tox -e docs
  1. Check that the changes made are correct with your web browser:

$BROWSER _build/html/index.html
  1. Check that the code style of the documentation is still correct:

tox -e lint

Everything ok? Make a pull request!

Submit your Bugs and Suggestions

Feel free to open an issue in case something is not working as expected, or if you have any questions/suggestions.

Improve the Code

The refactoring and optimization of code complexity is an art that must be necessary to facilitate future contributions of pyRDF2Vec.

To improve the code, 2 steps are essential:

  1. Make your modifications.

  2. Run unit tests, check that the code style and documentation are still correct:


Everything ok? Make a pull request!